Great fun @ CSE Farewell!!!!!!!!!!
The farewell party for computer science and engineering students of JSSATE-Bangalore was held on 19 may 09. It was a huge gathering. I had been there with my friend Sumanth. As I came early, I even got to watch the rehearsals. Someone had got a beautiful guitar for the fashion show.
By noon, all the staff members and our beloved HOD, Dr. KAMALESH, had arrived. Firstly, there was a lamp lighting ceremony which was followed by an invocation song. By this time most of the 8th sem guys and gals of JSSATE had arrived. The entertaintment began with a group song, then there was a solo dance after which there were a few petty performances.
Dr.Kamalesh was asked to give a small advice to the outgoing batch. His speech was pretty different. He did it in style. His advice went something like this:
(He came on stage with a smile on his face)
(He put his left hand into his trouser's left pocket)
I hope that you people will do well...
I remember the last speech given by Murthy sir last time my students were goin out...
When I thought about my students surviving in the market, they are doing better than anybody else...(applause)
So whatever we advice; I dont think it's going to do much...
You people are much better...we lived in a different world and you live in a different world...(applause)
What you think counts a lot; not what we want to tell...
So in future dont take anybody's advice...
(Huge applause)
After that there was a dance performance during which all our seniors came on stage and started dancing. This was one of the most memorable moments of the party. They danced very well. Our senior called Svarup stole the show with his crazy choreography. We had Abhay - the rapper. He looked real cool. I think he had styled himself like Eminem. He rapped rapturously. He sportively took part in the paper dance contest. He also lifted his heavy partner. Unfortuately he couldn't make it. We also heard one of his Original Song compositions.(Too good).
I was totally enjoying this CSE farewell party.
I managed to take a picture of our seniors during the tea break. The picture didn't come out very well. I was using a 2mp moble camera!
In the end there was a 30 minute video showing how our outgoing batch had had a great time during their 4 years at JSSATE-Bangalore.