The JSSATE freshers party 2009 was held at NYK's elite club on 11 October. I got to know about it just 2 days before the scheduled date. I wanted to go there for various unmentionable reasons. In fact no one believed that I would really go. My friend, finally gave me a party pass.
Nyk's club is in Residency road, very close to St. Joseph's college. The club is on the fourth floor.
Most of the night clubs are known to maintain a 50:50 boys to girls ratio. But that day might have been an exception.
I saw a crowd of boys on the ground floor. They were submitting their passes and in return getting a "Nyk's" seal on their hands. All the stags were made to feel they were one.They had to take the stairs to get into the club which happens to be on the fourth floor.
On the other hand, Girls or couples were given immediate attention. They were served first and were even allowed to access the Elevator.
On the fourth floor, to my right I saw a clean lounge, to my left there was again a crowd which kept the bartender busy. I saw bottles of different sizes, glasses of various shapes, colored liquors...which I had previously seen only in movies.
Most of the boys were armed with cigarettes between their lips. The girls were dressed in acceptable fabric. Every edge of the terrace had some sort of seating arrangement. It was open air and spacious. Beer was served in cheap plastic glasses. I think I was the only stag there who didn't drink or smoke. Finally I settled in with a Pepsi.
It was surprising to notice that there were very few freshers and seniors in majority on this freshers' party.
The disco was enclosed unlike other areas. They have a wooden dance floor.The DJ played good music. I enjoyed watching others enjoy. I thought I should have taken a camera there. Later I even asked my friends to mail me some party pictures. They sent me none. Finally I thought of generating pictures myself.
Below are a few pictures. These are computer generated images portraying the scene at the JSSATE Freshers' party at NYK's club.

On the fourth floor ...

The dance floor...
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